My Summer garden is winding down - fungal and mildew problems abound, not to worry I've had my fair share and anyway Autumn's coming and is almost here. Spinach, Broccoli and cauliflower will thrive and Autumn always makes me feel so alive. When Winter comes planning will start and i'll take it easy if I'm smart.
Sorry if you don't like poems, I was feeling wordy this morning.
My main bed of tomatoes is gone, a fungal problem swept through and they were dead before I could stage much of a fight. At least I planted 3 more tomatoes as a back up in another part of the garden and my Blondie (blondkopfchen) is producing like crazy- below is a kilo of the golden orbs of deliciousness.
I finally pulled out a beetroot that popped up in the garden, it came in at just under 500g. Most likely I'll make a roast beetroot and feta salad with this monster.
The eggplants are really coming in now, I sort of only have 2 dishes I like to make with eggplant - Baba ganoush and Moussaka. I really don't know why I grew the Little finger variety as its not suited to either dish, but the long purple may go into Baba ganoush to have with Turkish bread I made on Sunday.
The Beit alpha Cucumber has really come back into production after I gave it a good feed of seaweed fertiliser, but its suffering from powdery mildew(like all my Curcubits). The Rattlesnake beans are producing again after a period of mid 20 degree weeks and the Chills and Capsicums are loving the constant temperatures. That being said we are having a hot end to summer, Saturday and Sunday were around 30 and todays forecast for 35. Oh well, summers almost over and my garden is defiantly reflecting that. Its a good thing I love Autumn and Winter, this year i'm going to invest in some Agribon row cover to try and protect my winter crops from the crazy wind we get.